R U Living in A "Controlled-Environment"?

Q: What do you mean by 'Controlled Environment'?
A: By Controlled Environment, I refer to the World which is highly predictable and largely stereotyped. The world where everything is fixed and already decided. There are a fixed set of actions, reactions, remarks, taunts, styles, mannerisms and this-is-the-way-things-are-done-here-dude attitude. This leaves no room for creativity and auto-expression. It is indirectly binding on every person living in that circle. Isn't it restriction of your freedom of Self-Expression?

Q: But, what's ...
A: Before you throw another question, let me narrate you a page from my friend, Raman's Office Life. Read the following carefully:
Raman Shastri enters the office. He is greeted by his colleagues and juniors. He responds to them in a very reserved and formal way. Thereafter, he heads towards the Boss' cabin. He seeks permission and says Good Morning with his mouth wide open and a broad smile on his face. Now, the Boss responds to Raman the same way Raman responded to his colleagues and juniors a few minutes before. Raman's Boss gestures him to have a seat and immediately starts discussing business details. Meanwhile, the Boss also reminds Raman that he is 5 minutes late.

[In fact, Raman was not late, but his Boss was early. Whenever he reaches office before Raman, he thinks Raman is not in time!]

   This incident is not exclusive to the Corporate World. You will find stereotyped reactions and responses everywhere including but not limited to Gossip between two friends, Husband-Wife daily interaction, Teacher-Student discussion and a Dialogue between two brothers.

The basic objections are:

1. Why can't Raman flash a full-fledged smile when he meets his juniors?

2. Why can't Raman greet his friends more heartily?

3. Is he following a Pecking-Order? If yes, what has he gained by the same? Moreover, his Boss treats him like a pet Dog!

4. Oh! Yes! - for something really Great and Oh! Shit! - for something really Sad. Don't you have new or different words to express yourself? Everytime you resort to the same cliche to say your say!

5. Unfortunately or Fortunately, the Real world is entirely different and diverse, where you will find all sorts of people rammed in the same crowded train. Your Virtual World at its best is good only when you a part of it; otherwise, you don't exist!
Now, please complete your question.

Q: What's the problem with this Virtual or Controlled World?
A: Once you step out of your Office, Circle, Network or such controlled environments, you find that actually there is No Script. There are no Rules or Protocols regarding general behaviour in a bus or a train. Everything is Spontaneous and Unpredictable. A lot depends on personal whims and fantasies. There you will meet people who don't have an axe to grind and they call a spade a spade. Moreover, you have no colleagues or juniors to greet you with fake smiles and a boss who wishes to know your every personal and professional thought.

Q: What's the source of such Unwanted Virtuality? From where does it come to Control our World?

A: Movies, Corporate Offices, Neighbours, TV Serials and Blindly imitating the so-called Superior Cultures or Countries. Now, they will teach us How to Live and React. What a Pity!

Q: Then, what's the way out?
A: Choose to live in the Real World. Face different people and experience the diversity. There is no substitute for Reality. The transition from Reality to Controlled Environment is sweet, but fake. However, the re-transition from Virtuality to Reality is really Harsh and Bitter. Today or tomorrow, Virtuality will rudely throw you at the threshold of Reality. Hence, the sooner you embrace Reality, the better it is.

Q: So, how can I change the world?
A: This is nearly impossible. Nobody can change the world. Besides, there is no need to change the world. The world has its own Dynamics. The best you can do is to change yourself. Just don't drown yourself into Virtuality. Hold Reality tightly and wade through Virtuality. that's all required from your side. Bye.

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