The Influence Gap

   The amount of respect you get is not proportional to what you deserve. Most of the times, you get less than your Net Worth (NW). That is, your Actual Influence (AI) is less than your NW. Some rare but clever people get much more than their NW. This shortfall or gap is known as the Influence Gap (IG).

IG = NW - AI

Another, vital thing is Social Efficiency (SI)expressed by the following expression-

Social Efficiency (SI) =   ------------  X  100

   SI is never 100% for the majority, but if your average social efficiency is less than 80%, the society you live in has not accepted or validated you. If the same continues for long, you will soon lose your present status and someone else will replace you.

   Having 85% and above is a good score. If you are very efficient or your efficiency increases day-by-day, you are more free and exercise enough influence to your advantage. The Social Meter supports you.

   You might have seen good-for-nothing people exercising a good deal of influence. You might have also seen persons having the calibre of a genius or a great person, but their share of influence is almost null! 

   Life is highly Unpredictable. There is no just distribution of tangibles or intangibles. We are living in a No Guarantee Era. Every second person, whether he is a celebrity or a pauper, preaches to work hard and harder. However, no one cares to make a point that you might not succeed despite all your hard work! Moreover, nobody bothers to discuss the time-period required to hit the target.

   Finally, one thinks that one has to be a superman in order to be accepted and draw maximum influence. However, it badly hurts when you find that even worthless persons are more talked about than you. This leads to a state of Pathetic Dilemma. Again, no book talks about why one did not get one's quota of influence or say respect (in order to be more precise and formal).

   Thereafter, such people start analysing their past and reach the state when they blame all their so-called lacks. For example:

* I'm short [were you a dwarf?]

* I'm too tall [were you a giant?]

* because I was not having a car... [was he having a Limousine?]

* I was different [no two fingers are the same.]

* I was really stupid then... [were they a genius by then?]

* He was much smarter than me... [were you the most stupid person in existence?]

* Actually, I'm not smart and intelligent...Oh! That was by chance that I stood first in the race/exams... [You studied. You wrote the  exam. You did not cheat. and now you blame yourself for good results as well! really surprising Pathetic!]

My teeth were not white [and her father was the National Dentist!]

* She liked rich people, I belonged to a middle class family [if she was a princess, why was enrolled at such a college where 'filthy' (because you think you are so) students like you studied?]

* My speech was not good [was he an incarnation of Dale Carnegie?]

* My attitude was wrong [Whatever you do is always wrong. Whatever he does is always right. There is only one thing right here so far that something is wrong with your own consciousness!]

* Unlike us, they were really cool... [Yes, you were wrong because you always felt so. People like you breed inferiority complex.]

* I was surrounded with so many problems [and he was the direct descendant of the gods in the heaven!]

Some Basic Facts:

* First, You always consider yourself a 'big' fool and then try 'hard' to prove it wrong. The more you try, the weaker you become. Even if you reach some favourable results, the influence attained fades soon.

* Influence or respect is more about TheSocial Code than achievement or hard work or dedication.


   Do what you want. Stop striving for perfection. Do what you like. Find the purpose and the means will follow. This earth is not composed of supermen. You may find drunkards and idlers of today being the leaders of tomorrow. Now, this sparks off the debate: The More Educated (perfection/hardwork) versus The more Liked (The Social Code). That is why actors or players easily become politicians without even knowing the 's' of Social Service. On the other hand, masters of political science and sociology remain 'Psephologists' busy framing exit polls on paid news!

   'Just think. what is missing? Something is wrong or misplaced. There is something that we don't know. what is that?'

[Think. However, don't think about the small 'w' and the formatting used here.]

Achievements: Not in years, but in seconds. These few seconds define our life.

People win medals in years, not everyday. A great task is accomplished once, but remains in the memory of people for years.

A fighter undergoes training for years; however, if he does not win the final match, he remains a loser.


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