Excuse Me but Entrepreneurship is for U

   Today's working class resides in cities and works in air-conditioned offices. They speak English fluently and pay taxes. These professionals are highly qualified and fond of new things. They keep reading newspapers and books. They reach office in time and complete their 8-9 hours in the office and rush out immediately once the work is over. This cycle continues till they get fed up or are disillusioned with the 9 to 5 job. When they quit, they find that their meagre savings won't let them anywhere. Even a rude paanwala earns more than them and owns his house. Still we would play safe and won't take risks. Entrepreneurship is not for us!

   In spite of such complications, these professionals want their children to study more and more. They punish their children who play truant in order to watch a movie or a cricket match. However, their 'Role Model' is the player or the actor who chucked his studies to be what he wanted to be in his life! Yet, they want their child to be 'a 9 to 5 day worker' instead of an Entrepreneur or a paanwala. All they want is to play safe and be satisfied with it as second class citizens. They won't stretch themselves to their limits to make it big in their lives and become 'Role Models' of their own children and friends. The fear of failure and self-doubt have restricted their progress.

   Such parents and couples don't realise that they are the worst victims of this Highly Competitive Age. They have 'consumed' half of their energy and 'productive capacity'. In order to prudently 'utilise' their remaining lives and most importantly, the 'entire' time of their children, they have to 'make some tough decisions'. They must 'jump from the cliff' or 'take that big leap' or 'dive into the sea': that is Begin Your Entrepreneurial Venture. Now, you have to take the risk. Have faith in your endeavours and don't be afraid of the Unknown. Think, Explore and Start early to take the Lead.

Just take the First Step. Don't think too much. The Rest will follow and guide you. Start Early

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