HISTORY is not only a Science, but also a Reliable Technology

Wrong Question: Is History a Science?
It has been long debated by some intellectuals. What they do is simply juxtaposing Arts with Science. In this way, they create two verticals and treat them as separate entities. Moreover, the debate is centred on proving that 'Arts' is a 'subset' of 'Science'. By the way, what is science? Science is all about constant 'Observation' and 'Experimentation'. In fact, History is also based on constant 'Research' and 'Analysis of Accuracy of Conclusions'. This proves that History is also A Science. Actually, Science is a 'very advanced form' of Arts. Thus, we can conclude that 'Arts' is the 'superset' and Science is its subset.

   Nevertheless, the debate is not over. By the way, what is Technology? In simpler words, Technology is the effective application of Science. We often hear that 'History Repeats Itself'. This saying has helped people learn from their mistakes and not repeat the same in future. Many empires and kingdoms took lessons from the past, escaped extinction and thrived again. Is it not a practical and gross application of Science? Thus, in a way, History is a kind of Technology! Can we call it 'Intangible but Reliable Technology'?

Time to rephrase the question.
Right Question: Is History a Reliable Technology?

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