P3: POWER PACKED PRESENTATIONS 2 Influence the World: 'Extra Factors'

   A 'Good Presentation' is the right mix of some 'extra' elements and Presence of Mind. What are these extra elements? Salutation, Respect and Body Language coupled with A pleasing Ambience. The point is not to do anything wrong. It's okay even if you don't do anything 'extra', but doing the 'wrong' definitely takes its toll on your 'prospects'. 'Damage Control' tactics do not work HERE. Normal is Okay. Don't try to 'dominate' others. A good presentation gets the message across while creating the 'illusion of being dominated'. After you become well-versed in 'Normal Presentations', you can try the 'extra element' to make it 'Marvellous'. Moreover, a Presentation is an opportunity. There is nothing called 'Big' or 'Small'. There are only 'Big' or 'Small' minds. Every Opportunity has Infinite Potential. Your Presentation is the explicit demonstration of the 'Product' or 'Package' called 'You'.

   Great Performers are not worried of Rejection and Heartily embrace Criticism. They know that the former is just a 'reaction', while the latter; a 'feedback'. People are not going to 'accept' or 'appreciate' you spontaneously. You have to 'pitch in' to explain your 'point of view' to them. You have to self-market your Skills and Alility. Only you can rake up the right 'Self Definition'. Moreover, choose the right set of 'key-words' and fast-track your 'impact'. It is no crime to 'voice your say' and no shame to 'accept your anomalies'. Great Performers never expect anything from anybody; they are always on their own. They never curse others for their failure. 'Positive Communication' is the key to 'Marvellous PresentationS'. Besides, keep busy thinking better forms of 'Power Packed Presentations'. hAPPY tHINKING...

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