Living in the NET-WORTH era

   Ashish was Not Happy. He felt that he was not on the 'Right-Track'. Some of his batch-mates earned more than he did. However, he was expected to be far ahead of them during college days. This comparison of 'net worth' has been in vogue for some years now. People want to be Leaders in whatever they do and that also in no time! Call it 'pressure' or 'pressing', it is pervasive and material to every individual.

   The fact is that everything has several sub-factors. Infinite number of 'tangibles' and 'intangibles' make one 'Noticeable-Thing'. Every successful person has usually gone through all those 'bad days'. However, Failure is no guarantee to success. Likewise, there is no hard and fast rule regarding 'Excellence'. Exceptions Are Everywhere. Life is 100% UnPredictable. Past praises, failure or exaggerated interests are no guarantee to pioneering success in the field concerned.

   All you can do is just deliver your best. Don't Expect Anything. This is 'No Guarantee' era. For example, the last 6 months would n't have passed as you had 'planned', were they? Then, how can you sketch your future and calculate others' net worth? 'Comparison' is the latest version of 'Jealousy'. The old and only Anti-Virus available so far for the human mind is a combination of 'Patience' and 'Self-Confidence'. Sorry to say, these are not available in the market! "YOU HAVE TO SEARCH AND INSTALL iT YOURSELF."

PS: Believe in whatever you Do. Develop a blind-faith in your Dreams and Passions. Say a BIG No to your Defeatist and Self-Critical attitude. Always be ready to accept Defeat and other people. The Input is Yours. Full Stop. The Output is His. Period. [The 'processing' has always been really Painful and Mysterious!]

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