Yes! Words are actually Sword. SWORD is the anagram of WORDS. This is not just a literary activity. In practice as well, if Words are strategically used to develop high-impact strategies, they can cause more influence than Sword. Words are the most lethal weapon one can have. No device or machine can detect this deadly weapon. However, Words can cause more destruction than any missile. Similarly, Words can provide more satisfaction than any medicine. Unfortunately, only few men have realised the Potential of Words. Hence, Words have boiled down to "Question-Answer" or "Chit-Chat" tools.
Real men know that the most powerful forces are intangible and invisible. Likewise, Words are the new forces of the modern era. It is upto to us to use, abuse or neglect the power of words. Therefore, Whenever you utter a word either in multitiude or in solitude, its impact are far greater than its literal meaning. Hence mind your Words or better to say mind your Sword.
Any social interaction should not give the message that:
1. You are too shy. [You won't wield your Sword even if the need be.]
2. Your Sword is not sharp, but blunt. [You talk non-sense things for long.]
3. You don't know how to use your Sword. [You talk too fast and lack clarity. Here, the sharpness of your Sword is also in doubt.]
4. Your Sword is too sharp. [You talk in a way to dominate or subjugate others, especially strangers.]
5. Your Sword is not rusted, but does not Shine. [Your talk lacks Key Words. Grammar and Accent neglected.]
6. You are bent on displaying your Sword and the advantages. [You want to give unsought advice in order to show that you are experienced.]
The only message that should be communicated to the people around you is:
''You know how to fight with a Sword. Your Sword is very sharp, but it is harmless as it is within the sheath. Your purpose is self-defence and not dominance. However, if the need be, your sword can be used otherwise. That's it."
Here comes into play Image Building and Brand Management. You are your own Brand Manager.
That's why you should listen more (not just hear) in order to sharpen your Sword. Let the other person do a great deal of talking. While you talk, leave some hints and clues that would trigger your audience to take over the talking from you. The moment they utter a word, you should instantly shut your mouth. Maintain eye-contact. This in turn will give you a lot of feedback and enable you to use your Body Language to your advantage. Body Language facilitates the usage of Words or Sword. Always be Diplomatic. Remember Diplomacy is rarely in harmony with Morality or Ethics. Talk less, but talk sense. Moreover, talk like a human-being, not like animals, not like people just out-of-jail or fugitives from a lunatic asylum trying to escape their captors. Don't forget to monitor your content. Don't chatter on a single topic monotonously for hours.
Now, you know that you are acquainted with a SWORD. Recognize this weapon and hone it. Cash in on its sharpness. Let yourself prevail over those who try to prevail over you. There is nothing wrong here. Yes! it's fair.
[Disclaimer: The content presented here is a result of the thought process of the author. It is not aimed at hurting or projected to insult anybody belonging to any class or category living or dead. Moreover, the author does not claim that it is a 'formula' to attain more attention or greater success. Any resemblance to anything living or dead is purely coincidental. Readers' discretion is solicited.]
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