Democracy is all about voting. It is a system in which people choose their representatives. The majority always wins and the minority vote share is neglected. First, you ponder over a motion or belief and finally vote for or against it. It is your choice - the people's choice; not what a King or an Autocrat desires.
Now, consider the following cases:
a) A will support Z if A is fond of Z's policies. In order to choose Z, A expects some favours from Z. Atleast, Z should not do anything against A. The moment Z goes against A, A may vote against Z. In short, it is about coincidence of thoughts and wants. If like-minded people form a majority, nobody can stop them from being the powerful faction or group.
b) Suppose I'm a thief and you are a police officer. I commit a robbery and you arrest me. If party A says, "Robbery is not a crime and we'll legalise it," I'll vote for party A. If party Z says, "Robbery is a heinous crime. The convict should be hanged till death," why should I support party Z? Tell me. Moreover, being a police officer, you'll certainly vote for party Z.
c) Crime is the precondition for the very existence of police. If thieves outnumber police, more police officers will be required. If police officers outnumber thieves, there will be no crime and hence no requirement of police. Gradually, there will be no robberies and hence no police will be required because the society would have attained that 'self-discipline' where no external regulation is required. Hence, the police officers will look for some other jobs. Thus, the police officers will support that party which does not fire them inspite of zero crime in the city!
Democracy - that's simple - it's about favours, like-minded people and majority. The only relief is that there are no Autocrats and Self-styled Rulers. It is rightly said that we don't have a better 'Ruling System'. Democracy is a logical fallacy with infinite shortcomings.
[We all are eagerly waiting for the better Alternative.]
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