The Plight of Indian Students

   We Indians are unnecessarily busy with "Global English" and "Software". We want to speak English with American Accent and make yet more softwares for the likes of Microsoft. It is incumbent upon every Indian to do something "extra-ordinary" to prove himself so that the world "acknowledges" his true potential. English and Software are among many other things that we Indians do to please our friends and acquaintances. Every Indian child, unlike his American or British counterpart has to discard his mother tongue and embrace English in order to make a "difference". The hardworking Indian parent wants his child to attend 'English-Medium' schools and work as a "In-House Translators" at home while watching an English news channel or movie. At this point, nobody wants to understand the dilemma of the child and clear his doubts. Besides, the Indian child is laden with another load of being gifted with a "luxurious life" because parents keep saying, "I am working very hard to provide you with all the amenities of a good life. When I was a child I wanted to study, but I couldn't get the opportunity to do so. On the other hand, all you have to do is just eat, study and sleep! Can't you even do that and get 90+ marks?".

   As the child grows and attends high-school, he is expected to speak fluent English. By this time, the English part is over and "Technology or Medicine" takes the front seat. Now, the child is expected to "bring in bucks" within a maximum period of 5-6 years. The sooner he understands this point, the better it is. Otherwise, he would be tacitly and gradually excommunicated from his social circles. During this whole process, nobody bothers to think about the plight of the mother tongue or Indian Languages. Some really smart entrepreneurs and cunny businessmen have very well understood this mental state of Indians and cashed in on the same. Most of these merchants have been involved in several illegal acts including but not limited to murders, encroachments, tax-evasion, money laundering, food adulteration, rapes and hooch production. In short, they are high-profile and rich criminals. These white-collar criminals have very smartly been away from the claws of law and been living respectable lives. Education is an industry which is wrapped under the cover of "social-service". However, the truth is that it the most safe, profit-oriented and loss-proof trade.

   What these pack of criminals did is erecting several English-medium schools and so-called ''Professional Institutes''. Thereafter, they hired the best minds of the unemployed lot and ''under-paid'' them. However, they "over-charged" Indian parents and ultimately the Indian student has to bear the brunt of the over-charged and the under-paid! These Students are prepared to share the same fate of their Masters! As said earlier, these cunny criminals assume the title of "CEO, MD or ChairPerson". The second most significant position is offered to their wives or sons or brothers. Same was the case when a slave killed or gradually weakened his master in order to assume later illustrious titles like "Sultan or Badshah". The design of these schools or Institutes is such that Teachers are pitted against their Students. Therefore, whenever something goes wrong, these fake Sultans are looked upon as the ultimate authority or trouble-shooters. What a design! In the end, whatever the case be, these high-profile thugs or gamblers are bound to derive more and more respect.

   At last, the most surprising factor is the "princes or princesses" of these self-made Sultans never attend their very own domestic institutions! They have already booked a seat at a Foreign University in Europe, USA, Australia or New Zealand. Actually, it is another marvellous design for the "coronation" of these fake-princes as the "Youngest CEO, MD or Youth Icon"!

   The fate of Indian Students is not safe. Their knowledge has become shallow and sufferings have shot up. From childhood to graduation, they are subjected to miscellaneous pressures and compromises. Finally, they land up in a job only to be subjected to further exploitation. They are underpaid and work with people who have been raised in a similar way. They clash with one another only to prove themselves the best employee (slave). They work harder, but not get paid as per the hours of labour they put in. Other responsibilities, such as marriage, children and old parents make them financially cripple. Soon 'they' laden their 'children' with their 'dreams' and 'targets'. This vicious circle never ends.

   Most of those who find entry-level Government Jobs, sit idle and actually do nothing. Their efficiency is hardly 10%. However, they happily accept whatever they 'earn' and rejoice in comparing their fate with their contemporaries serving the Corporate World. In the end, the biggest loser is India.

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