Ironically, human beings don’t respect and value true or simple things. However, they are ready to die for complicated and fake things. Things written below are a complication of simpler things so that you can truly assimilate them.
DEMO THEORY: Remember and relive those days when you demonstrated that you were the better choice, if not the best one. These incidents may be related to your school, college or job. “You can do it again.”
THEORY: Stand in front of a mirror for 5 minutes. Stop
thinking and being self-critical. Aren’t you beautiful / handsome?...Be honest…”Yes,
you are!!!”
THEORY: We are talking about the day when you were called ‘Great’
by friends / parents / or a stranger whom you had helped. “Are you waiting for an Oscar Nomination to be called GREAT?”
AND FOCUS THEORY: Your friend slapped you and you did the same
in retaliation. Thereafter, you forgot the unwanted incident and focused on your exams.
After a month, you were playing chess with the same friend. “Since you have
grown-up, it doesn’t mean you can’t forget and play CHESS once again.”
AND PERFORM THEORY: You promised your father that you would
work harder to score better grades. You did that and got a new Bike / Bicycle. “Now, it’s your turn to buy a car for your parents.”
COURSE: Give yourself a time-limit, say 30 days. Within this
period, you are allowed to worry over, cry on, lament upon and analyse your Past Mistakes. Once all this is over, Launch a New “You”.
INCLUSIVE and INTERACTIVE POLITICS: “When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do.”
INCLUSIVE and INTERACTIVE POLITICS: “When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do.”
NOT REACT THEORY: Do you react when Street Dogs Bark At You? You don’t pay any Heed and take it as a Normal thing. An important Question: “Will you React to these Dogs when they are Transformed into 'normal' Human Beings?”
[Thus, you see that the Solutions to All your Problems are with You only.]
[Thus, you see that the Solutions to All your Problems are with You only.]
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