When Reality Bites...ReLoad & StrikE Back

   Most of us are led by 'Bombay-based' movies. All the stars, actors, directors or producers are the backbone of this industry. We try to be like them. We admire and worship them. All of us are audacious day-dreamers. The worst hit is the youth.

What the youth think -
  1. I'm great, extra-ordinary and infallible (like SuperMan or X-Men).
  1. Some unknown, unseen force would always help me and preserve me. I'm invincible.
  2. I'm different. I'm unique.

                            (Plus unlimited hours of day-dreaming)

   You may change or be static, but the fundamentals of this world never change. Society always poses primary questions like -
  1. Who are you?
  1. What do you do?
  2. How much do you earn?
  3. What is the source of your income?
  4. What harm can you do to me?

The virtual world is shattered when reality bites! Remember that nothing is or was perfect. There is no idealism or fairy world in practice. Be practical and start afresh. "Say No To Day Dreaming." Time to take the bull by the horns. ALL THE BEST...

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