Robin the Good and NICE

   Robin was a nice boy. He was obedient and sincere. Robin was admired by friends and loved by family. Soon he began to think that he is different from others. "You are intelligent, smart, good looking and what not!" said one of his friends. He was indeed a nice boy, but perfection is not a one day process. It is an instrument easily damaged by misuse. The constant appreciation turned Robin into an over-confident personality. However, even years after, he was getting constant appreciation. Gradually, he became 'a figure among cyphers.'

   His illusion that he was a genius was soon shattered by the cruel realities of the world. He realised his mistakes but it was too late. He started retrospection. Robin took a blank piece of paper and a pencil (not to write his suicide note).

He observed following fantasies-

1. I'm extra-ordinary. Wrong. An ordinary person becomes extra-ordinary due to extra-ordinary efforts.

2. Some unknown force will never let me down. Wrong. Your sincerity and confidence is the strongest intangible force that always guides you and never lets you down.

3. I know everything. Wrong. You may know a good deal of things, but in order to be the best you have to practise consistently. It needs research, discussion, tolerance and lots of patience. Don't be Mr. All-Know. Don't give lessons or relate your chronicle. Never say, "I know everything now and am going to be the game changer." Else, soon you will be tagged as Mr. Boring and nobody will talk to you; they would ignore you or indulge in fake conversations on seeing you.

4. If I'm right, everything is right. Wrong. Even if you are right, there is always a better way of doing things. Being Right and being stupid are two different things. Bitter truth is like acid or snake poison. Hence, you don't need to be a reformer or a preacher. Just do your work and get it done (by good politics). Don't be an idealist or Mr. Perfect. (Mr. Perfect always invites disguised jealousy.)

5. Life is maths. No.No. No. Life is not so simple as it is portrayed in movies and romantic novels. Sometimes it is twisted and sometimes straight. There are no hard and fast rules. Just do your best and have faith in yourself.

6. Politics is the exclusive asset of politicians. No...No. There are two types of politics - the Good One and the Greedy One! Use the Good One to get and maintain what you deserve. No-Politics means you are manipulated by others.

7. Everything is bad in this world. All are cheaters and greedy. Whatever we see in films and read in books is deflected in reality or in practice. True my friend...true. However, this is the way the world is. Learn the game and make your moves (Good Politics) otherwise you will keep complaining and criticizing all your life. Remember life is not maths. Accept and live life in its practical form.

8. One day I will become a great man. True or False - can't say. It depends on several factors beyond one's Control and Comprehension. You should learn to accept this fact. Nobody knows when that 'One Day' would come. Atleast till then be a normal guy.

9. There are others as well. 100% True. Yes, besides you there are thousands of other people who want to excel in their careers and lives. They also work hard and struggle in order to realise their dreams. You are not everything. You won't always be the centre of attraction; keep it in mind.

10. Though I know all my mistakes, yet I can't change my Fortune now because Nothing is Left. The game is over. It too late to restart. False. Remember it is never late to start. You might have lost much things; however, there is still a lot of stuff left to be preserved. Go for it. Don't give up. It is difficult but not impossible. This time try to be a 'Nice Man.'

Note: There were many others chapters that Robin didn't remember or was not mentally prepared to discuss. More or less, he admits that if he is Smart, there are Smarter people around.

(This was the summary of the conversation between Robin and I. I don't know whether these thoughts are justified or not. Morally Correct or Wrong. However, I surely know that these are 100% Practical and Equally Prevalent.)

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