Miss Petal and Mr Thorn

   She was smart, intelligent and beautiful. He was tall, bright and handsome. She loved dogs. He was fond of cats. Her mother always supported her. His father never cared for him. Everybody liked her. Nobody praised him. She was happy. He was depressed. She did not knew him. He always visited her in dreams.

   One day she saw him. He heard her voice. She wanted to buy roses. He wished to sell her flowers. But, some thorns pricked her fingers. His heart was pierced. Her blood was red. His face was yellow. She snubbed the roses. He punished all the plants in his garden. They never met again.

   Nevertheless, they were smouldering in each other's love. They sulked at their own conduct. They wanted to meet again. As per the latest news we know, they were united in a hurricane. That was their last humane testimony to existence. However, who can erase souls? She was called Miss Rose; he, Mr. Thorn!

   However, lovers in my town only exchange roses (without thorns) on a fixed day. They believe mutual-attraction is love. They want to live and enjoy life. Survival is the most important thing they care for. For them, soul is nothing more than smoke. And yes, if any hurricane visits my town, they stay at home.

   They don't like me. But, I like her. She loves roses and dogs. I have cats and a garden, too. I sell flowers (with thorns). She is fond of roses. I hate my father and she loves her mother. By the way, I'm called Mr. Stalk; she, Miss Petal. We are happy and love each other. But, why are they jealous of us?

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