[Warning: The Social Code is rarely in consonance with Morality and Ethics. It is all about living practically and peacefully in any society.]
Some Ifs:
If you don't Respect yourself, nobody will respect you.
If you don't acknowledge yourself, nobody is going to acknowledge you.
If you don't care for yourself, nobody cares for you.
1. The big fish eats the small fish.
2. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
3. Practical Interpretation of the world is the key to Happy Living.
4. The ideal place for Ideal Thoughts is books.
5. Try to find out who dominates. The Pecking Order. Crack the unwritten code, that is, Who Prevails Over Who.
First Step:
1. Forget the Past.
2. The Clean Slate (a new place or situation where your past has no role to play) should be used to your advantage.
3. Be ready to wear multiple hats and learn even from your juniors if they are smarter than you.
4. Social Intelligence: Choose your words carefully.
1. Nothing Matters.
2. Nobody is a perfect person who is liked by all.
3. The brain of the brainwasher itself has been brainwashed.
[One can't remain uninfluenced by the society that raises one.]
Primary Question: If monkeys can learn by imitation, why can't human-beings?
Simple Answer: The development of any being or country is measured by its Tool-Technology. Chimpanzees (the wisest animal) are known to be able to make around 20 tools from stones, stems and leaves.
Human-beings have successfully made infinite sophisticated tools by now. They further modify their high-tech tools. That is why we have been prevailing over other living beings for centuries. Thus every person is capable of adjustment and flexibility. Moreover, you are the most important tool available to yourself. Develop or modify this tool to your advantage. You can learn and unlearn things as per your wishes. Who can stop you?
Social Skills are more important than technical or biblical skills, if you want to save your job or survive in any society.
Zoology says that we all are animals. Social Animals. Socially, experts believe that we are judged by four things:
1. What we Do: [Profession, Source of Money or Net Worth]
2. How we Look: [Appearance, Personality, Attire and Conduct]
3. What we Speak: [Content, Language Proficiency and Choice of Words]
4. How we Speak: [Intonation, Rhythm, Voice Clarity, Body Language and Confidence] (U may read read Words R Sword)
Never Boast: [There is a fine line between boasting and projection. Slight projection of the self is not bad.]
1. Learn the Art to conceal your Art. [if you think you know something]
2. All you know is nothing.
3. You have to learn new things everyday else you won't survive.
4. Never try to impress others. In most of the cases, such attempts go against you. Just be yourself.
The game of Social Existence is somewhat tricky. Politics and Dominance is everywhere. Those who think themselves to be untouched by these evil are either living in a world of their own or are the victims of the dirty games. You are rejected by the society even before you think you have lost your prominence. Also, you are crowned even before a formal announcement regarding the same is made. All this is unwritten and purely tacit. No such statement is made in public.
Learn the Art to read between the lines.
First Impression is the Last Impression
[The sequel to this article CODE 2 deals with the above mentioned points in detail.]
[CODE 3 needs your feedback]
[I would like to thank everybody who either knowingly or unknowingly taught me so much about life. I may not personally know all of you, but my soul salutes you.]
[Disclaimer: All thoughts expressed here are based on several things including author's personal experience. Any resemblance to anything living or dead is purely coincidental. These are not mandatory for or guarantee to success. Moreover, no claim of any kind is being made here. Readers' discretion is solicited.]
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