Let the World INSULT U

                                       CODE 2

Most People pretend to be very truthful and honest. Many are always ready to swear on the lies they utter in order to make them appear true. Such people are really bad. Worse are those who 'trust' these bad people. Your Trust can be used against you. Be careful. Similarly, never underestimate the value of a true friend.

Remember: Generally, people envy one another's success. Hence nobody is going to support you. Forget money. No one will utter even a word to relieve you. So don't hope against hope. Don't expect anything from others. The more you are insulted, the stronger your will to succeed becomes. This insult is a true, but harsh input. Accept it. Therefore every encounter should be taken as a Feedback from this World. Take it positively. By the next encounter, you should have improved on your defeating attributes.

What should you do to Start Living? Nothing Special. Just Start Living and you will find yourself living. Forget the Past. Future is just a dream. Live in the Present. You have only 24 hours. You can convert them into wonderful memories [Past]. These 24 hours may act as a base for some bigger goal [Future]. Don't waste them. These 24 hours are really precious.

Don't give in to Social Pressure. Face it. When you decide to quit, you may find your thoughts on the verge of being accepted. Hence, stick to the plan. Cutting corners will only lead to attain some fake respect and temporary success. Ultimately, you will make a spectacle of yourself. If you give in easily, you would become an easy target. Focus on your progress. Slow progress is still a progress. If you don't like something, move on. Never hold it against that forever. It is like a termite that will gradually eat up all your energy

First of all, try to understand the prevailing unwritten rule. There is a tacit Pecking Order everywhere. Some people will always hate you without any reason. Try to understand their point of view. If they don't change, stand up to them and register your reaction. Friction is a part of life. If you try to break up the prevailing code, your prospects will be ruined. Mocking or joking is the verbal equivalent of bullying or picking a fight. There is a key to every problem. Try to find the key to yours. There is a first time for everything. You are not the first to face your problems. Many people before you have encountered the same problem and overcome it. Why can't you?

How to Tackle your Fear: Learn more about your fears. Know everything about it. Knowledge is Power. Acquaint yourself with the necessary tools (tangible or intangible). Now, face your fears. This is the only way out. Brave people are those cowards who continue to fight despite their fears. Cowards are those brave men who give up inspite of their bravery

Repeating Positive Mental Notes to the Self are Really Beneficial in Tackling Social Anxiety.

[click to read CODE 1]

[CODE 3 is all about your feedback.]

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