The Different View: Say your Say

                                  CODE 3               

   This series of articles is an attempt to learn more about the Social Code or Conduct. How does the Society work? At first, it appears to be a weird question, but if you think about it deeply, you would find that the society is a complicated superstructure. What we find in books is rarely in practice. Some unwritten rules are always followed. Breaking these tacit codes is no less than a crime. A lot has to be learnt and taken care of. However, this article needs your input. At this juncture, the author is confused and seeks your discretion.

   Don't you think this world is a zoo of animals who are tamed (or sometimes castrated) at some stage in their lifetime? If they come out of their cages and grow violent, they are shot dead! It is not necessary that every animal loves other animals. Similarly, do people love other people? If yes, then why? If no, why do they hate their fellow beings?

   There is a Pcking Order in animals of all levels. Generally, this tacit order is based on power or forms of power. In humans, this pecking order is based on money, political power or some kind of social status; it is not necessarily muscle power. Every animal has some special function and specialty. Every person has its own individuality, but the one seems to be totally different, becomes the target of the remaining people. Society and our schools strive to mould every student the same way. This casting is not good for those who respect their individual ingredient. Why are we against the 'individual' content?

   Everybody wants to teach others. Why don't we want to learn? Moreover, if one has not undergone the process of learning, how can one be able to teach others? If one is not at peace with oneself, could he pacify others? A normal person is a cross between the good and the bad. How much 'good' is good? How much 'bad' is bad? Why are people more attracted towards negativity than positivity? We remember negative aspects of someone's personality, but seldom we remember his good deeds. Good deeds are pegged to short-term memory. Bad deeds are pegged to long-term memory. How can such person overcome his negativity?

It appears that:

* You have to crack all secret codes yourself.

* Nobody will tell you the truth.

* Everybody will preach Honesty. However, in practice, they would break all the rules either social or legal. People resort to Truth only when it can be used to their advantage.

* The world is not so simple as it appears to be. It is really complicated.

* You should have an unshakeable faith in your abilities and ideas. That's it.

[Please reply and express your views ASAP.]

[click to read CODE 2]      [click to read CODE 1]

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