Your INTEGRITY Matters

Your Integrity is your first line of your Spiritual Defence. It consists of some positive thoughts and an attitude that gives the message that you are at peace with yourself.

Case Study

Sometimes you are surrounded by people who don't know you. They outnumber your group. Moreover, they don't want to know about you. Then, you try really hard to impress them. You narrate selected stories from your list of achievements. This is the first mistake. Socialising with strangers is not wrong, but if the sole purpose is to make an impression, it is no less than a blunder.

The Remedy

Think about yourself. Your Achievements. Your Activities. What steps and events define you? What is the purpose of your life? If you can justify yourself that whatsoever you did was done with a sense of purpose; there is no need to lament upon the same. Focus on the self, forget others. The outer world can't relieve the storm within.


All you know is nothing. Don't preach. Never forget that people change with changing times. Your Integrity is the Light of your Soul. If you lose your brightness, darkness will surround you and there will be no one to guide you.

Liberate Your Soul

Free yourself from all worldly obligations. Can't you be just yourself and pursue your dreams? Walnut is a very soft dry fruit. However, it is very difficult to crack its crust. It can't be broken by hands. You need a tool to damage it. Likewise, our internal peace should be covered with the crust of Integrity.
Never Lose It.

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