Mistakes are fundamental to Learning new things and Successful public encounter. That Ideal day or the Best Moment never comes; it exists only in dreams. For real men, every day is an ideal day. Everyday you wake up and try to do several things. Whether you earn millions per hour or sit idle, you have only 24 hours. Everyday you interact with the world and learn new things. You may commit mistakes while learning new things or when you try to learn how the world works. The process of learning is very painful. Nevertheless, you should not stop learning. There is so much to learn.
Planning to start after knowing everything is a logical fallacy. If you postpone learning till you attain 'everything' or reach that state-of-mind, you would keeping waiting all your life. That is, you will be stuck with 'learning'. However, the practical thing is that learning and mistakes go hand-in-hand. You can never understand things without committing mistakes and you can't learn in advance. It is a step-by-step process which can't be 'controlled' by you. Therefore, it is better to start early. Once you start, other things and means would follow. Initially you may stumble, fall or commit a mistake. So, Falling and Rising is the eternal cycle of life. Sooner or later, you would touch perfection. Practice makes a man perfect. Perseverance is essential to perfection.
You can't remain UnInfluenced by the world. You can only pretend to be uninfluenced. Only to some extent, you can avoid the worldly impact. Everybody is influenced by the same set of things that constitute the planet. Either you like these things or you don't. You are either directly or indirectly associated with the worldly things. Everything you think, like or reject is found in the planet. There is nothing outside of the world. Even souls, spirituality and aliens are creation of the human mind. You may think 'out-of-box', but the box itself is a worldly entity. The point is that your mind is also influenced by the same leaves, stones, water and birds that are in the planet. Your rejection or appreciation is not in isolation. Only death or expatriation to some other galaxy can alienate you from this planet.
Nowadays, we are trying hard to tame moon and mars. Even there, we want the 'same set up' that will be created by the people of earth. So, how can we be set apart from the world that made us? People move the world; so, the best way to tackle the world is to be a part of the world. This can be easily learned from our fellow world beings.
Determination to rise again. Determination to learn. Determination to live. Determination to excel. By the way, what is required to learn, live and excel? Start learning. Keep learning. Start living. Continue this process until you excel. Don't mind the long and painful process because it is not in your hands. Be very careful in your conduct. Whatever wrong you do can never be forgotten. Some things can only be forgiven, but never forgotten. However, you can improve your prospects and write better things on public memory. Remember: Slow Learning or Progress is always better than no Learning or Zero Progress. The fear of failure is worse than failure itself. The doubt about one's ability is one's greatest enemy. The determination to succeed is more important than success itself. The struggle to succeed should take the front seat; success, the backseat.
Failure is only a feedback. Success is just a compliment. Life is of much greater significance than Failure or Success. If you are alive, there is always some hope. On the other hand, Lifeless things are only found in books or museums. However, the dead never 'enjoy' or 'repent'. So, start living and show signs of life. Be hopeful. Hope and Positive Thinking will never let you down.
PS - The people around you should get feelers that you are happy with whatever you Do or Think or Believe.
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